Rescue Detox Ice Drink Review

Rescue Detox Ice Drink is a product designed to help people cleanse their bodies of toxins quickly. It is often used by those who need to pass drug tests, such as urine or saliva tests, for substances like THC (the active compound in marijuana). This review provides a clear understanding of how Rescue Detox Ice Drink works, its ingredients, how to use it, and its pros and cons based on customer feedback. Additionally, we will explore commonly asked questions (FAQs) about the product and give a final summary to help you decide if it is right for your detox needs. For further details, you can visit

Many people turn to detox drinks like Rescue Detox Ice Drink because they are looking for fast and temporary solutions to clear their bodies of toxins. Detox drinks work by helping your body flush out substances that could be detected in a drug test, particularly substances like marijuana, which can stay in the system for days or even weeks. Rescue Detox Ice Drink is advertised as a quick and easy-to-use product that lasts up to five hours, giving users a window of time where their bodies are free from detectable toxins.

This drink is available online from major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and The Vitamin Shoppe, making it accessible to many users. It also contains natural ingredients like cranberry extract, dandelion root, and milk thistle, which are known for their detoxifying properties. However, as with all products, it’s important to fully understand how it works and how to use it properly to get the best results. In the following sections, we will explore Rescue Detox Ice Drink in greater detail, from its ingredients to its effectiveness, to help you decide if this product is the right solution for your detoxification needs.

In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at what Rescue Detox Ice Drink is made of and how these ingredients work to help cleanse your body.

Product Description

Rescue Detox Ice Drink is a popular detox product made by Rescue Detox, a company that focuses on creating natural detoxification solutions. This drink is specifically designed to help flush out toxins from your body, especially for those who need to pass drug tests, such as urine and saliva tests. Its primary claim is that it can effectively remove traces of substances like THC from your system, making it a reliable choice for people looking to cleanse their bodies in a short amount of time.

One of the standout features of Rescue Detox Ice Drink is its natural formula. Unlike some other detox products that contain synthetic chemicals or harsh ingredients, this drink uses a blend of natural ingredients known for their detoxifying properties. This makes it a safer option for people who are concerned about the potential side effects of using chemical-based detox products. Additionally, it is free of artificial dyes, flavors, and sweeteners, which adds to its appeal for those who prefer natural remedies.

The drink is also known for its ease of use. It comes in a 21-ounce bottle, and the instructions are simple: drink the entire contents of the bottle, refill it twice with water, and drink it within 30 minutes. After that, users are advised to urinate at least three times before taking their drug test. This process helps flush toxins out of the body, making it less likely that substances like THC will be detected in the test.

Rescue Detox Ice Drink claims to work for up to five hours, providing users with a temporary window during which their bodies are free from detectable toxins. This short-term effect makes it a go-to product for people who need a quick solution before a scheduled drug test. Overall, Rescue Detox Ice Drink stands out as a reliable and natural detox drink that helps people pass drug tests by flushing out toxins in a safe and effective way.

Next, we will dive into the ingredients of Rescue Detox Ice Drink and explore how each one contributes to the product’s detoxification process.

List of Ingredients

Rescue Detox Ice Drink contains a variety of natural ingredients, each playing a crucial role in the detoxification process. These ingredients help flush out toxins from the body and prepare it for drug tests by balancing electrolytes, providing energy, and supporting the kidneys and liver. Below is a breakdown of the key ingredients and their functions, which explain how they work together to make this detox drink effective.

Electrolytes: Potassium (495mg) and Sodium (151mg)

Potassium and sodium are essential electrolytes that help regulate fluid balance in the body. When you drink large amounts of water, as instructed with Rescue Detox Ice Drink, electrolytes are crucial to prevent “water intoxication,” which occurs when the body’s sodium levels drop too low. By including potassium and sodium, the drink ensures that the water you consume is absorbed properly, helping to maintain healthy electrolyte levels during the detox process.

Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12

These B vitamins (with varying amounts of 100mg or 200mcg) are included to boost energy levels during the detox process. B vitamins are known for their ability to support metabolism and overall energy production. Additionally, these vitamins play an important role in masking diluted urine, which can be a sign of tampering during a drug test. By giving urine a natural yellow color, the B vitamins help the sample appear more normal, even when large amounts of water are consumed.

Vitamin C (120g)

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that supports cellular health and metabolism. It plays a role in repairing tissues and protecting cells from damage during the detox process. Since detoxification puts stress on the body, Vitamin C helps maintain normal cellular functions, contributing to a more efficient cleanse.

Cranberry Fruit Extract

Cranberry is a well-known natural diuretic, which means it increases urine production and helps the body eliminate toxins more quickly. Diuretics are important in detox products because they encourage the body to flush out harmful substances through urination.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is a critical component of Rescue Detox Ice Drink because it helps maintain normal creatinine levels in the urine. When a drug test is performed, labs check the creatinine level in the sample to determine whether it has been diluted with excessive water. By adding creatine, the drink ensures that your urine’s creatinine level appears normal, making the test sample look legitimate.

Echinacea Purpurea Herb Extract

Echinacea is an herb that boosts the immune system and also acts as a diuretic and laxative. By enhancing the body’s natural defenses, echinacea helps support the detox process, while its diuretic properties aid in toxin elimination.

Milk Thistle

Known for its ability to detoxify the liver, milk thistle is a vital ingredient in many detox products. The liver is one of the primary organs responsible for filtering toxins from the body, and milk thistle helps support and enhance this function, making the detox process more effective.

Pomegranate and Beet Root Extracts

Both pomegranate and beet root extracts work as diuretics, increasing urine production and helping flush out toxins. Beet root also expands blood vessels, which can improve circulation and further enhance the body’s detoxifying capabilities.

Inulin and Psyllium Seed Husk

Inulin is a type of fiber that helps regulate kidney function, ensuring that creatinine levels stay balanced during detoxification. Psyllium seed husk is another fiber that works as a laxative, helping cleanse the digestive tract, which can be an additional source of toxin elimination.

Additional Ingredients

Other natural ingredients, such as hibiscus flower extract (a diuretic), hydrolyzed collagen (for kidney health), and various sweeteners like stevia and katemfe fruit extract, contribute to the overall effectiveness of the product by supporting the body’s natural detox processes. Citric acid and fructose help balance electrolytes, while preservatives like sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate ensure the drink’s freshness.

These ingredients work together to make Rescue Detox Ice Drink a comprehensive detox solution, designed to remove toxins from the body while maintaining essential health balances. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to use this product properly to achieve the best results.

How to Use Rescue Detox Ice Drink: Step-by-Step Guide

Using Rescue Detox Ice Drink correctly is crucial to ensure it works effectively. The product is designed to help you pass a drug test by temporarily flushing out toxins from your body. To get the best results, follow the step-by-step instructions carefully and time your usage appropriately. Below is a detailed guide on how to use Rescue Detox Ice Drink to pass a drug test, ensuring that everything goes smoothly on the day of the test.

Stop Using Any Drugs as Soon as Possible

The first and most important step in using Rescue Detox Ice Drink effectively is to stop consuming any substances that could cause you to fail a drug test. This includes not only illegal drugs but also certain supplements, herbs, and even some prescription medications. While prescription medications may be legal, some drug tests may not accept proof of medical necessity from your doctor, so it’s better to be cautious. For example, supplements like kratom, an herbal opioid substitute, may be tested for in certain cases, especially in drug treatment programs. Even something as simple as eating poppy seeds can trigger a false positive for opioids, so it’s essential to avoid these types of foods and supplements.

The earlier you stop using these substances, the better your chances of passing the test. This gives your body time to begin naturally eliminating toxins, and Rescue Detox Ice Drink will then provide an additional boost by flushing out any remaining traces of drugs on the day of your test.

Using Rescue Detox Ice Drink on the Day of Your Test

On the day of your drug test, timing is everything. Rescue Detox Ice Drink is effective for about five hours after consumption, so it’s important to take it within this time frame. Plan your usage based on when your test is scheduled to maximize the product’s effectiveness.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Within five hours before your test, drink the entire 21-ounce bottle of Rescue Detox Ice Drink.
  2. Once you’ve finished the drink, refill the bottle twice with water. This means you should drink two additional bottles of water, each using the same bottle Rescue Detox Ice Drink came in. Finish drinking the water within 30 minutes.
  3. After this, you should pee at least three times before heading to your drug test. This step is critical because it helps flush out toxins from your body. By urinating multiple times, you ensure that your system is clearing out any detectable traces of substances, increasing the likelihood of passing your test.

What to Do During the Test

When you get to your drug test, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, when you begin urinating into the sample cup, don’t start collecting the first part of your urine stream. Instead, begin by urinating into the toilet, then collect your sample midstream in the cup, and finally, finish by urinating the rest back into the toilet. This method helps reduce the chance of any remaining toxins showing up in your test, as the first part of your urine stream may still contain small traces of substances. You’ll need about 3 to 5 ounces of urine for the sample, so make sure you provide enough for the test.

Finally, one important note: do not flush the toilet after you’ve provided your sample. Some testing centers may consider this a sign of tampering, which could disqualify your sample. By following these steps carefully, you’ll be using Rescue Detox Ice Drink in the most effective way possible to pass your test.

In the next section, we’ll go over the pros and cons of Rescue Detox Ice Drink based on customer feedback, providing a balanced view of what works well and what to watch out for.

Pros and Cons

When it comes to using Rescue Detox Ice Drink for drug detox purposes, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Based on customer feedback, this product offers several benefits, but there are also some potential drawbacks. Understanding both sides can help you make an informed decision about whether Rescue Detox Ice Drink is the right choice for you. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of using this detox drink:

Pros of Rescue Detox Ice Drink

  • Not Harsh on the Liver: One major benefit of Rescue Detox Ice Drink is that it doesn’t contain too many strong herbs that could put a strain on the liver. Some detox products overload the liver with intense herbal mixtures, which can be harsh on the body, especially when taken frequently. Rescue Detox Ice Drink uses a more balanced approach, which can be safer for people concerned about liver health while still needing to pass a drug test.
  • Creatine to Boost Creatinine Levels: Another advantage is that Rescue Detox Ice Drink contains creatine, which helps maintain normal creatinine levels in your urine. Creatinine is a natural byproduct found in urine, and drug tests sometimes check for its presence. If your urine is too diluted, the test might flag it as suspicious. By including creatine in the formula, Rescue Detox Ice Drink ensures that your creatinine levels stay within a normal range, helping your sample appear more natural.
  • B Vitamins for Energy and Urine Color: The drink also includes a combination of B vitamins, which serve two important functions. First, B vitamins provide a boost of energy, which can be helpful on the day of your test, especially if you’ve been feeling anxious or tired. Second, they give your urine a natural yellow color. When you drink a lot of water to flush out toxins, your urine might become too clear, which could raise suspicion during the test. B vitamins help mask this by giving your urine a more natural appearance.
  • Potassium and Sodium for Electrolyte Balance: The presence of potassium and sodium in the drink is another plus. These electrolytes help your body absorb water and maintain a proper balance in your urine. Without enough electrolytes, drinking large amounts of water (which is part of the detox process) could lead to an imbalance, making you feel weak or dizzy. The added electrolytes help prevent this and ensure that your body stays hydrated and functioning properly during the detox process.
  • Works Quickly and Lasts for 5 Hours: Rescue Detox Ice Drink is fast-acting, which is great for people who need quick results. After drinking it, the product takes effect within a short time and remains effective for about five hours. This gives you a window of time during which you can confidently take your drug test, knowing that the product is actively working to flush out toxins from your system.
  • Safe Diuretic Herbs: The drink contains herbs like cranberry and pomegranate, which act as natural diuretics. These herbs help increase urination, which is essential for eliminating toxins from the body. Unlike some other detox products that use harsher diuretics, Rescue Detox Ice Drink relies on fairly safe and gentle options, reducing the risk of dehydration or other side effects.
  • Only Natural Sweeteners: Rescue Detox Ice Drink uses natural sweeteners like Stevia instead of artificial ones, making it a better option for people who are health-conscious or sensitive to artificial ingredients. This also makes the product more appealing to those looking to avoid artificial chemicals in their detox process.
  • Widely Available: One of the best aspects of Rescue Detox Ice Drink is how easy it is to find. You can purchase it both online and in physical stores, including major retailers like Walmart and The Vitamin Shoppe. This wide availability means you won’t have to search far to get your hands on it, making it a convenient option if you need a detox drink quickly.

Cons of Rescue Detox Ice Drink

  • Contains Laxatives: While the diuretic herbs in Rescue Detox Ice Drink are relatively mild, the product does contain some ingredients that act as laxatives, such as psyllium seed husk. This can cause diarrhea in some users, which could be inconvenient or uncomfortable, especially if it happens close to your drug test. In some cases, it might even interfere with your ability to provide a urine sample for the test, which is a serious downside.
  • Doesn’t Contain Zinc: Zinc has been shown in some studies to help thwart drug tests by interfering with the detection of certain substances. Unfortunately, Rescue Detox Ice Drink does not include zinc in its formula. For users looking for every possible advantage when it comes to passing a drug test, this missing ingredient might be considered a drawback.
  • More Expensive Than DIY Dilution: One complaint that some users have about Rescue Detox Ice Drink is its cost. While it’s convenient and effective, the drink is more expensive than simply diluting your urine by drinking water on your own. If you’re looking to save money, you might consider other methods, though they may not offer the same level of reliability.
  • Dilution May Be Detected by Sensitive Tests: Although Rescue Detox Ice Drink is designed to help you pass a standard drug test, some of the more sensitive tests may still detect dilution in your urine. Advanced testing methods can sometimes pick up on the fact that your urine has been diluted, which could result in a failed test. It’s important to be aware of this risk, especially if you know that the test you’re taking will be particularly thorough.
  • Lack of Detailed Information on Manufacturer’s Website: Lastly, one issue that users have mentioned is that the official website for Applied Sciences LLC, the company behind Rescue Detox Ice Drink, doesn’t provide much detailed information about the product. For people who like to thoroughly research what they’re consuming, this lack of transparency might be frustrating.


In this section, we’ll answer some common questions about Rescue Detox ICE Drink. If you’re preparing for a drug test and considering using this product, understanding how it works, what’s inside, and how much it costs can help you make an informed decision.

Why include sodium and potassium?

Sodium and potassium are key electrolytes that play an important role in the effectiveness of Rescue Detox ICE Drink. When you’re detoxing, especially if you’re drinking a lot of water to flush out your system, your body can become low on electrolytes. This happens because drinking large amounts of water dilutes not only the toxins in your body but also the electrolytes. Without enough electrolytes, your body can become unbalanced, which may lead to water intoxication.

Water intoxication is a condition where the levels of sodium in your blood become too low because of excessive water intake. This can cause symptoms like headaches, confusion, nausea, and in extreme cases, it can even be life-threatening. By including electrolytes like sodium and potassium in its formula, Rescue Detox ICE Drink helps to prevent these dangerous side effects. It ensures that your body stays balanced while you’re detoxing, allowing you to safely drink more water without becoming ill.

In addition to preventing water intoxication, sodium and potassium also help your body absorb water more effectively. When you’re trying to detox, it’s essential to stay hydrated, and these electrolytes play a role in making sure the water you drink is absorbed properly and used by your body. This can help speed up the detox process, as staying hydrated is one of the key factors in flushing out toxins.

In summary, sodium and potassium are included in Rescue Detox ICE Drink to help your body stay balanced, hydrated, and healthy during the detox process. They prevent water intoxication and ensure that you can drink enough water to dilute any toxins in your system without risking your health.

What are the herbs for?

The herbs in Rescue Detox ICE Drink serve two primary purposes: they act as diuretics and laxatives. Diuretics are substances that increase urine production, which is a crucial part of the detox process. By making you urinate more frequently, diuretics help flush out toxins from your body. In the case of a drug test, increasing urine output is important because it helps to dilute the concentration of any drug residues in your urine. The more you urinate, the more diluted the urine becomes, which can make it harder for drug tests to detect traces of substances like THC, opiates, or cocaine.

Some of the herbs in Rescue Detox ICE Drink, like cranberry extract and pomegranate extract, are known for their diuretic properties. These natural diuretics are generally safer and gentler on the body compared to synthetic ones. They help to increase urine output without causing too many side effects, such as dehydration or electrolyte imbalances, especially since the drink also contains sodium and potassium to maintain balance.

In addition to their diuretic effects, some of the herbs in the drink act as laxatives. Laxatives help to clean out the digestive system by increasing bowel movements. While this might not seem directly related to passing a urine drug test, it can help remove toxins from the body through the digestive system, further aiding the detox process.

Overall, the herbs in Rescue Detox ICE Drink help to increase the amount of urine you produce and ensure that your body is flushing out as many toxins as possible. They make the detox process faster and more efficient, increasing your chances of passing a drug test by diluting the urine and removing toxins from the body.

What’s the creatine for?

Creatine is an important ingredient in Rescue Detox ICE Drink because it helps ensure that your urine sample appears natural during a drug test. When labs conduct urine drug tests, they don’t just test for the presence of drugs; they also check for certain markers that indicate whether the sample is authentic or has been tampered with. One of these markers is creatinine, a byproduct of creatine metabolism.

Creatinine is naturally found in urine, and its levels can indicate how diluted the sample is. If you drink a lot of water before a drug test, your urine might become too diluted, meaning that the levels of creatinine will drop below what’s considered normal. If the test detects unusually low levels of creatinine, it may be flagged as suspicious, which could result in a failed test or require you to take the test again.

To avoid this problem, Rescue Detox ICE Drink contains creatine. When you consume creatine, your body breaks it down into creatinine, which helps raise the levels of creatinine in your urine to a normal range. This makes your urine appear less diluted, reducing the chances of your sample being flagged as tampered with.

In short, creatine is included in Rescue Detox ICE Drink to help maintain normal creatinine levels in your urine, making your sample look natural and increasing your chances of passing the test.

Can it work for weed, for opiates, and for cocaine?

Yes, Rescue Detox ICE Drink can be effective for flushing out a variety of drugs, including weed (THC), opiates, and cocaine. The way this detox drink works is by diluting your urine, which lowers the concentration of drug residues in your system. THC, which is the main chemical in marijuana, is one of the most difficult substances to detox from because it can stay in your system for a long time. However, dilution is known to be an effective method for lowering THC levels, and Rescue Detox ICE Drink can help with that.

Since THC is one of the hardest substances to flush out of your body, if Rescue Detox ICE Drink works for THC, it’s likely to be even more effective for other drugs that are easier to eliminate, like opiates and cocaine. By increasing your urine output and adding essential electrolytes to keep your body balanced, the drink helps speed up the detox process and reduce the chances of drug residues being detected in your urine.

In conclusion, Rescue Detox ICE Drink can work for a variety of drugs, including weed, opiates, and cocaine, by diluting your urine and helping your body flush out toxins. The effectiveness of the drink will depend on factors like how much of the drug is in your system, how long ago you used the drug, and how much water you drink in combination with the detox drink.

How much money will I have to pay?

Rescue Detox ICE Drink is priced at around $28.49 USD for a 17-ounce bottle, according to the Vitamin Shoppe website. The price may vary slightly depending on where you buy it, but this is the general cost for one bottle. While this might seem a bit expensive, the price reflects the convenience and effectiveness of the product. It contains a blend of ingredients specifically designed to help you pass a drug test, including electrolytes, creatine, and herbal diuretics, which makes it more reliable than trying to dilute your urine with water alone.

Considering the potential consequences of failing a drug test, some people find that the cost of Rescue Detox ICE Drink is worth it for the peace of mind it provides. It’s also widely available both online and in stores, so you won’t have trouble finding it when you need it.

Final Summary and Recommendations

After exploring the various aspects of Rescue Detox ICE Drink, it’s clear that this product has garnered attention and praise for its effectiveness in helping people pass drug tests. Here’s a concise summary of what we’ve learned about the product, along with some recommendations for those considering using it.

Overview of Rescue Detox ICE Drink

Rescue Detox ICE Drink is designed to assist users in clearing their bodies of toxins, particularly for drug tests such as urine or saliva tests. Its popularity is largely due to its reported effectiveness in cases where dilution is the primary method of detoxification. The product works by increasing urine output, thereby diluting the concentration of toxins in the urine.

Effectiveness and Usage

The drink has been tested and reviewed positively, as seen in a notable case featured on Vice Channel’s webzine. A journalist who recently consumed marijuana used the drink before a drug test and was surprised by its success. The effectiveness of Rescue Detox ICE Drink is attributed to its combination of ingredients that aid in detoxification and hydration.

Color of Urine

One concern some users might have is the bright yellow color of the urine after using the drink. This color is a result of the B-vitamins in the drink and is a common side effect. It’s important to note that while the bright yellow urine can be noticeable, it is not typically a reason for disqualifying a test result. The color is generally considered a normal effect and not an indication of tampering with the sample.

Information and Availability

Despite its effectiveness, one drawback of Rescue Detox ICE Drink is the limited information available on its official website. The site is minimal, providing just basic details about the product. This lack of comprehensive information can be frustrating for users who want to know more about the product’s formulation and usage. It appears that the company relies on distributors and retail partners to provide additional information and support.


  • Follow Instructions Carefully: To maximize the effectiveness of the drink, it is crucial to follow the provided instructions precisely. This includes consuming the drink as directed and ensuring that you hydrate properly before your drug test.
  • Be Aware of Potential Side Effects: Some users might experience side effects like diarrhea due to the laxatives in the drink. Be prepared for this and plan accordingly to avoid any issues during your test.
  • Understand the Product’s Limitations: While Rescue Detox ICE Drink is effective for many users, it’s not foolproof. It’s important to be aware of its limitations and consider other detox methods if necessary.
  • Check Retailers: Since the official site lacks detailed information, you may want to check with various retailers and distributors for additional details and support.

In conclusion, Rescue Detox ICE Drink is a popular and effective choice for those needing a quick solution to pass a drug test. Its combination of detoxifying ingredients and electrolytes makes it a reliable option, though it’s important to be mindful of the product’s limitations and potential side effects. By following the recommended guidelines and understanding the product’s features, you can make an informed decision about whether Rescue Detox ICE Drink is the right option for you.